Rules of Operation
Name The name of this organization shall be the West Coast Black Administrator's Caucus hereafter known as "The West Coast Caucus (WCC)." The West Coast Caucus serves as an advisory of the NAD Black Administrator's Caucus.
Purpose The purpose of the West Coast Caucus is to facilitate the proclamation of the everlasting gospel, in the contest of the three angels messages of Revelation 14:6-12, to all peoples within our assigned territories, leading them to accept Jesus as personal savior and to unite with His church, and nurturing them in preparation for His soon return.
Primary The primary function is to initiate research, give study to, promote the purpose and mission of the Church, and advise leadership at all levels of the church - through the NAD Black Caucus, Pacific and North Pacific Union Conference Offices of Regional Affairs and Executive Committees, Local Conference Executive Committees and African American Ministries Departments and Committees - regarding strategies, programs and personnel that will best be serve its representative constituencies on the West Coast.
Territory The territory of the West Coast Caucus shall include all areas of the Pacific and North Pacific Unions.
Rules of Operation The members of the West Coast Caucus may enact, amend, or revise any of the rules which may in any way constitute a conflict with its purposes.
Management Office The operations management offices of the WCC shall reside at the Pacific and North Pacific Union headquarters.
Statement of Relationships The WCC serves as an administrative advisory to the NAD Council for Regional Conference Presidents and Coordinators, and administrators of the Black work in all West Coast Conferences, institutions, offices and services of the North American Division and General Conference. The policies of this advisory, shall in principle, be in harmony with the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and within the doctrinal guidelines adopted and approved by the North American Division.
- The membership of the WCC shall consist of:
- Union and local conference Regional Affairs Coordinators.
- Union and local conference executive officers.
- Executive officers of the NAD Black Caucus
- One pastor from NPUC, two from PUC.
Voting Each member of the caucus shall be entitled to one vote. The vote of each member representing their organization shall be limited to that particular meeting. Each member must be present at the meeting to be eligible to vote. There shall be no voting by Proxy. Election is by majority vote.
Elections The officers of the WCC shall be chairperson, vice chairperson and secretary. Officers shall hold their office for a term of two years unless they resign or are removed from office for cause. No two officers shall be elected from the same conference or representative constituency. All officers shall hold their office until they cease to be eligible or are replaced by the WCC.
Subcommittees Subcommittees may be formed at the authorized meetings. Any member of non-member may be assigned by this caucus to a subcommittee. The caucus shall determine the name and scope of the subcommittees.
Dissolution In event of the dissolution of the WCC, all offices and responsibilities shall cease. Any assets shall be returned to the conferences or other sources that contributed them, after all claims have been satisfied.
Amended 3-2-05